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The mission of Zion Lutheran Church, baptized people of God, is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through our actions and words.
Ministries FFF - Food, Faith and Family Adult Forums and Fellowship Events Book Club LYO - Lutheran Youth Organization Sisterhood and Women's Retreat ZLCW Circles, Quilters and Visitations Prayer Shawl Ministry
Committees Worship, Drama Team and Altar Guild Support Committees Education Committees Evangelism and Missions Committees Stewardship
Publications Newsletters, etc. Zion TV Spots, Videos and other News
5th Sunday of the Month10:00am Special Service
Wednesday Evenings FFF-Food, Faith & Family
(Note: There are two Church School Sessions this year.)
4:15-5:30pm Church School-Session I
Saturday Evening5:00pm Worship
Nursery care is available during 11:00 services and Wednesday evenings during Church School Session I and after the meal!!! (You are welcome to use the nursery during other services.)
Our Vision: We are a congregation filled with love for God, inviting others to share in that love by: Mentoring, nurturing and outreach, helping one another discover our God-given gifts and talents, providing an environment for physical and spiritual growth and accepting others as they are made in the image of Christ.
Operation Christmas Child - Shoe Boxes by Friday, November 19th
Zion will again be serving as a drop off/relay site for Operation Christmas Child this year. As a family we encourage you to pack a special shoebox with items for needy and homeless girls and boys from across the world. Items we can recommend include school supplies, hygiene items, clothing, stuffed animals, toys. Shoe boxes are packed for children in three categories 2-4, 5-9, 10-14 year olds. The boxes will be placed throughout the churchpick up as many as you wish. You may also pack a regular sized shoe box if you would like. Please have the boxes returned to Zion no later than Friday, November 19th . These boxes will then be delivered November 21st to Bismarck before heading to a large processing center. As I sat in on a training conference call with people from all over the upper Midwest for the Shoebox projectI was inspired to set a new goal for our site. Last year we blew the previous years goal out of the water with packing more than 2,300 boxes. Lets reach for the goal of 2,500 boxes for children in need. Please begin bargain shopping now and lets fill those boxes to help our neighbors from around the world! We will also be needing some assistance transporting the boxes from Minot to Bismarck with trailers, pick-ups, large vehicles.
Please contact Chris if you are able to serve as part of the transportation team.
Join usEVERYONEALL AGES on Sunday, November 21stfollowing the Harvest Stew celebration as we pack all the shoe boxes into shipping cartons to be taken to Bismarck and put on the semi-trailer to head to Minneapolis for processing. There will be job for everyonefrom putting the shipping cartons together, to counting the shoe boxes in each carton to carrying the cartons out to the trailers. Dont miss out on this family event! read more ...
Come to Zions Adult Education series! Current and Upcoming:
Starting in September - the "Bible: Book of Faith Initiative"
Have you ever asked these questions?
Where did the Bible come from?
How can I Read the Bible with greater understanding?
Is there a Center to Scripture?
What kind of Authority does the Bible hold?
If you have then you will want to join the conversation this fall. The Adult Ministries Committee along with the staff of Zion will be leading an 8 weeks series on Making Sense of Scripture at study for anyone interested in learning more about the Bible.
There will be many opportunities to join in the conversation:
*Weekly sermons centering around the chapters of the book will be offered.
*Large group discussions will be offered on Wednesday night and Sunday
This is a great opportunity to learn more about how the Bible is such an important book of faith for every person.
Please read the Zion Visitor for all the announcements for the upcoming month.
The November Calendar is now available...
Confirmation students are required to do 20 sermon notes or "Word of God" worksheets during each confirmation year. The "Word of God" readings and worksheets are available here... (click the 'Read more...' link below.)
Don't forget to bring your bag (with all your materials) to class each week...sometimes there is a bonus that comes to those who bring their materials. read more ...
This year we are offering two sessions of Church School (4 year olds-5th Grade).
Session I - 4:15-5:30p.m.Church School Rotation (4 year olds-5th Grade)nursery would also be provided for parents who serve as leaders.
Family Meal5:30-6:30 p.m.
Session II - 6:30-7:45 p.m.Church School Rotation, Nursery, Confirmation, LYO, Adult Education
We are always looking for helpers! Call the church office for more information...
5:00 p.m. Worship Service
KIDS BE HERE NO LATER - 4:40 p.m.!Lets join in celebrating the grace and mercy found in the story of Zacchaeus. We will share the amazing love of Jesus as Zacchaeus heart was changed and he became a new mansharing Gods Love with whomever would listen.
Hey You! Who Me? Yeah, You!
Come join us each week for LYO (beginning September 8th)a time for you to gather with friends and hang out. We will have fellowship, conversation and maybe (if youre lucky) we will laugh a little too! Oh, and usually we have snacks of some kind to munch on!
We will meet from 7:45-9:00 p.m.
LYO will be served and mentored by Kristi Burgess and Hanna Tollefson.
There are links to Zion's TV videos under "Publications". You will also find a link to the Children's Garden Preschool video.