Welcome to the Haut Funeral Homes Web Site. Our funeral home is now in the 4th Generation. For over 100 years the Haut Family has been servicing families from all walks of life with services to meet their individual needs. Service was the reason our firm started. Personal Service is why we're still here today.
Roger J. Haut - Funeral Director-Owner
Gary E. Haut - Funeral Director-Owner
Margo M. Haut - Bereavement Counselor
Roger J. Haut
There are some very good reasons why you should consider pre-planning. Please call us at 800-982-3969 or 701-252-5701 to set up an appointment with a caring professional.
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The Rag Coat by Lauren A. Mills
Minna proudly wears her new coat made of clothing scraps to school, where the other...
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